Barriers, Being Vague, Reps Not Techniques


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Start By Removing All Barriers To Your Success


A simple secret to success is to simply remove barriers to succeeding.

Here’s some examples:

If the gym is next door, are you more likely to go every day than if it’s 20 miles away? 10 miles away? 1 mile away? 

If you dislike an instructor’s personality, are you more or less likely to attend class?

If you don’t have the right equipment, are you going to progress slower or faster?

Those are all barriers to your goal. It’s simple… barriers are barriers. Get rid of them and goals become easier to reach,

Many grapplers have removed barriers to training (distance and lack of training partners) simply by getting a Submission Master grappling dummy and a couple mats for their home. 


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“I want to grapple better” is way too vague of a goal. Be specific.


Since goals are the engine that drives our accomplishments, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of being ULTRA SPECIFIC about what you want to accomplish. For example…

…if your goal is vague, such as “I want to grapple better” you could learn only 1 new technique in the next 12 months and you would have accomplished your goal. But you certainly wouldn’t be happy about it or feel motivated to continue. 

Conversely, if you said “I want to learn 5 techniques from the butterfly guard in the next 10 days” AND you accomplish that, you’d have made real progress and be driven to continue by the motivation of your success. 


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Rather than “more techniques”… think “more reps of techniques”. 


Technique overload kills your progress. You’re only going to internalize your techniques after you’ve done so many repetitions that you could never forget them even if you tried.

If you’re constantly in search of new moves, you are already suffering from technique overload.

The best instructor I ever had insisted I had no business coming back to class to learn something new until I had done at least 500 reps of whatever he had already shown me. It was good advice.


Keep training! 